Our first idea for this track would be a slow paced introduction possibly of a women walking alone whilst she is singing by herself, which cuts to a completely different shot of a man who is on his way to a destination, when the duet starts it could possibly become that the man decides to follow the women through out the video, finally meeting at the end of the song and singing the last chorus together.
Track 01 is a love song so the convention of the man interested in the women and because normally in love films two character who don't really know each other sing the same song at the same time creating the feeling that they are meant for each other.
As the man follows the women, it would be busy possibly in a street which is a completely different scene from the beginning which could be a concrete pathway in a park with loads of green area's around her with tree's.
It would be a cold windy day and our characters are dressed up in coats and scarves, leaves would be floating around creating an alone feeling.
When the two meet it could either be in a open space or a more crowed area both being pretty effective because it camera would be focused on them creating the sense of love,
It could finish with the slow lean in with a kiss and then fade out or both leaning in the looking into the camera.

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