- A male will be playing the piano for the 20 second introduction to the song
- The second shot will include close ups and different angles of the male playing the piano.
- There will be shots in between the introduction to show the female getting out of bed. The first shot of the female will be a close up of her face whilst laying asleep. A second shot will appear next to this one of the male character in bed.
- A side view of the male playing the piano without seeing the face of him to keep the spectator unaware of his appearance.
- A split screen of the two characters getting up in bed.
- The female looking in the mirror brushing her hair and getting ready
- The male also looking into a mirror getting ready.
- The toaster popping up to make a split screen and they both butter their toast at the same time.
- Medium shot/close up of them buttering toast, the males cue to start singing.
- They're in a rush so only a bite out of the toast-close up shot
- Grabbing their bags and leaving the house
- Split screen of the two walking down the street, on opposite sides of the road.. but have no idea of who each other are.
- Piano playing once again
- She will be walking down the street and be seeing signs
- She bumps into him after seeing a sign, this will be in slow motion as they look at each other and carrying on.
- The female drops her purse and walks off
- The male picks it up and runs after her
- She checks her purse and finds a note inside, the note is kept hidden so the spectator doesn't know what it says.
- The male is standing next to the piano, singing.
- Different shots of 19.
- Female opens door.
- Female walks in and starts to sing.
- Male and female singing to each other.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Shot List
Here is the order of our shots:
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