Katy Perry - You're So Gay

1.Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
The genre pop is represented in this video by Katy Perry the singer being surrounded by a coulourful background, pop is usually associated with happiness and I think the colours portrait happiness well. However there is also an element of humour against the pop genre, it is almost too happy and barbies are usually associated with little girls. The mise-en-scene leads you to believe that the video could be aimed at teenagers because of the intertextual reference to facebook and myspace. The theme of the barbie dolls would also lead you to believe this because the doll was around when teenagers now-a-days were children.
2.There is a relationship between music and visuals
The music has a slow pace which matched by the visuals which is edited for the pace of the music, although the colour of the video shows happiness and the genre of the song is pop the music is more depressing for pop because Katy Perry shown as the barbie wants to impress a guy shown as Ken but is gay, the barbie changes her appearance to make Ken realise her more.
3.There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals
The lyric's match the story of the visuals for example she sings about Myspace and the Barbie / Ken use Myspace, the Lyrics are slighty depressive and the Barbie who wants Ken.
Their could be a link between Katy Perry being in her own world show when she is telling the story that their is a essence of happyness shown as the clouds are smiling but the link between this and the lyrics is that she wants the boy who is gay to like her instead of being gay, then at the end of the video the clouds are frowning possibly showing that as hard as she tries he is not going to change for her.
4.The demand of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the Artist and the Artist may develop lots of motifs which reocur across their work.
Katy Perry always appears on her vidoes and her music videos are usally telling a story for an example we have chosen the song Your So Gay, which is a story about her show as Barbie trying to get a boy shown as Ken to notice her more. In the vidoe their are lots of mid shot's and close ups of Katy Perry with a guitar.
5.There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
In this music video Katy Perry is looking into the camera when she sings showing she is telling the story to the audience watching, but also in the story we can see that Ken looks in the mirror, Barbie also looks into a mirror she then cuts and dyes her hair trying to change too impress Ken.
6.There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).
Katy Perry uses Barbie dolls in her video referring to most girls who own when they were young used to own barbie dolls this is very humourous and could keep them intrested in Katy Perry's music videos, Barbies are a wide known brand because of the Doll, Films and Telvision shows making it very recognisable.
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