Open with the beginning of music video and fade out to speaker. Show different clips throughout when appropriate and get different people to talk about the music video.
*Why we chose the song- easy to come up with a good narrative, we like the song of the song overall
*Research, where we got inspiration- Bad Day (split screen), No air etc
*Our initial ideas and how they changed e.g. man with sign to hearts
*What technology we used, what we learnt about it and what we found difficult e.g final cut and the split screens, lining up lip syncing
*Outtakes- discuss the challenges we had with different parts of the music video e.g. Walking down street, piano, rough cut.
*Different angles and how effective they are in terms of the beat and narrative
*The costumes and location- why we chose them and how effective they are
*Initial idea for digi-pack and what changed
*How we think our video went, if we would change anything and what would we do different next time
*What we think of the digi-pack, what we would change and whether we think it links to the music video
*Feed back- talk about peer feedback, get someone to what the video and tell us what they think
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