Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Evaluation ideas...

Open with the beginning of music video and fade out to speaker. Show different clips throughout when appropriate and get different people to talk about the music video.

*Why we chose the song- easy to come up with a good narrative, we like the song of the song overall
*Research, where we got inspiration- Bad Day (split screen), No air etc
*Our initial ideas and how they changed e.g. man with sign to hearts
*What technology we used, what we learnt about it and what we found difficult e.g final cut and the split screens, lining up lip syncing
*Outtakes- discuss the challenges we had with different parts of the music video e.g. Walking down street, piano, rough cut.
*Different angles and how effective they are in terms of the beat and narrative
*The costumes and location- why we chose them and how effective they are
*Initial idea for digi-pack and what changed
*How we think our video went, if we would change anything and what would we do different next time
*What we think of the digi-pack, what we would change and whether we think it links to the music video
*Feed back- talk about peer feedback, get someone to what the video and tell us what they think

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