Thursday 5 November 2009

New footage

Yesterday we managed to get some good footage of the two different characters singing the whole track. We used the main hall to do this which looks really good with the big window in the background. It was really useful because there was a piano in hall which we could use and it looks much more professional than before.
We made sure that this time Callum and Sheridan showed more chemistry and we re filmed the kisses to make sure they look more romantic :)
We realised when watching back footage of Sheridan that there is a white board in the background so when editing we will try to get that out of the shot!!
Now we are going to upload the footage and put it into our original with better more professionally organized footage and editing.
When we have edited all the footage and if we are still not happy we can take the camera out again as we made sure not to use all our time just in case!

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