Next Step
Through editing our rough cut and looking back on our footage we feel that when we need more of is close up shots of the singer. We need more lip syncing and a fill shot of the whole song with each character singing throughout.We have also found that in some bits of our rough cut we have had to use the same shot for a long time so it would be better if we have a more variety of shots. We think that the best day would be Wednesday as most of us are free for a long period of time so we can make sure we get enough footage!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Callum Getting Ready
Wake Up Sheridan And Callum!

Both characters in different beds waking up giving a type of introduction to the narrative of the song just like other music videos introducing their characters and it also links characters together, getting up at the same time hints towards they are going to meet each other some time which makes these shots pretty deep about characters, if they don't look happy could also be linked with *Love*
Getting Ready Shots
Cafe Shots, Apart And Together
Bench Shots

These bench shots are also taken within the Cambridge green, where both characters are sitting on the bench not noticing one another, with the heart on the tree just like the bus stop window, it makes it look like they keep bumping into each other by accident but it feels like fate for the audience watching
Bus Stop Shot

These shots are taken in Cambridge city center where they notice each other but not the heart in the background on the bus stall's window making it like a subliminal message which carry's out throughout the music video its a good shot because of the busy street and buses going past, creates a busy atmosphere within the music video which is challenged with the whole park shot which is empty.
Together Tree Shots

In these shots it is still an open environment but both characters on different side of the tree's we are making these split screens to show they aren't in the same shot but it hints he is what Sheridan is looking for which is also backed up with the chorus singing together, they are also different shots giving an overall view of the background.
Sheridan Chorus Shots

Sheridan shot in a Cambridge green, walking down a long walk way as well as singing by a tree, the big open space with very few people in it showing Sheridan hasn't yet found what she is still looking for that some thing
Walking Shots

Shots taken in Cambridge town center of both characters bumping into each other, this was taken is a busy street so if people look at the camera there isn't much that we can do but its makes a good shot because when they are picking up books people are walking past and it makes it more real rather than a fake set.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Sheridan And Callum In Studio Shots

These shots are nearer the end of the song where both characters have moved into the *studio* which is also the music room when both characters have found each other and it becomes more of a love duet song because they found what they were looking for, each other.
Window Shots

In these two screen shots you can see the window and leaves as well as Sheridan, we shot Sheridan looking out of the window then decided to shoot another part of her with the camera outside looking in on Sheridan. This was also shot in the music room next to the piano that you cant see.
These shots work well because they show Sheridan looking out for some thing or someone, which could be love working well with the love theme of the song.
Studio Shots
Studio shots were also taken in the music room but in a different area of the room on music box's giving the hole studio feel and look, the plain white wall keeps the audience interested in Sheridan, so people don't loose interest in her and look at objects in the background
Piano Shots
Screen shots from our test footage of the piano in the Music block at Long road, these pictures are all different shots giving our test footage alot more angles for the audience to see.
Most of the piano is during the intro of the song and then little clips throughout the Video so different types of shots keeps the audience interested in the piano as well as the characters
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Filmining experience....
Yesterday we spent the day filming our rough cut footage. We began by filming in the music block for shots of the piano and some lip syncing with Callum and Sheridan. We then went into town to get some different shots of the characters walking down the street, sitting at the bus stop/bench, in a cafe etc. We tried to get lots of different angles and scenes in our footage and made sure we got lots of footage overall just in case. We decided to change some of our ideas for example Sheridan dropped some books instead of her purse. We tried to follow our first ideas as best we could but it was quite a challenge so we have made some improvises and changes. Our heart symbols idea was harder than we thought to achieve but we have done our best! We also had a couple of issues with location as we needed permission to film in shops or the Grand Arcade, which we didn't have so couldn't do so, and we should have thought a little more about lighting as by the time we got home to film the 'waking up' scenes it was dark!! :( But overall we are happy with the footage we have managed to get and have decided Wednesday is a good day for any extra filming as it was very helpful as we had all day.
p.s. Thanks Callum for all your help in our music video :)

p.s. Thanks Callum for all your help in our music video :)
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
- Music Video Shooting Deadline: Monday 19th October 9am
- Music Video Rough Cut Deadline: Last lesson of week ending 23rd October
- Music Video Final Deadline: Last lesson of week ending 13th November
- Ancillary Products Deadline: Last lesson of week ending 27th November
- Evaluative Writing Interim Deadline: 9am to Moodle Monday 7th December
- Evaluative Writing Final Deadline: 9am to Moodle Monday 14th December
Sheridan Goff =Female character
Callum Hughes =Male character
Hannah Deeks =Piano player
Small, unique heart symbols to be in background -Drawing/graffiti on hand/neck or wall/mirror
Makeup -eye shadow, foundation, lipstick etc =for Sheridan to apply at the beginning
Toast/toaster? For beginning =girl and boy eating breakfast
= Introduce Callum
Note with heart on
Ipod =sheridan to wear when walking around
Books =for sheridan to carry
Town/street =Cambridge
Studio/piano=Long road
Bedroom =Haverhill (Callum's house)
Kitchen =Haverhill (Callum's house)
Bathroom =Haverhill (Callum's house)
Shots (simplified):
Woman playing a piano -Beginning and throughout when appropriate
- Only shots of hands and from behind
Beginning -Shots of female character =putting on makeup, getting out of bed
= Singing
Introduce male character = putting toast in toaster/eating toast
Both characters leave =singing together
Shots walking down the street, on the bus, sitting on bench etc
Hearts in the background as signs/recognizable symbols
Female character drops her purse, male picks it up
Later gives the purse back, she looks inside ta-da a little heart on a piece of paper from the man
Meet in the Studio together = sing together, with the piano player in the background
Lots of split screens
Realistic shots
Different angles
Cut to rhythm of music when possible
Bright contrast
Use of slow motion
Sheridan Goff =Female character
Callum Hughes =Male character
Hannah Deeks =Piano player
Small, unique heart symbols to be in background -Drawing/graffiti on hand/neck or wall/mirror
Makeup -eye shadow, foundation, lipstick etc =for Sheridan to apply at the beginning
Toast/toaster? For beginning =girl and boy eating breakfast
= Introduce Callum
Note with heart on
Ipod =sheridan to wear when walking around
Books =for sheridan to carry
Town/street =Cambridge
Studio/piano=Long road
Bedroom =Haverhill (Callum's house)
Kitchen =Haverhill (Callum's house)
Bathroom =Haverhill (Callum's house)
Shots (simplified):
Woman playing a piano -Beginning and throughout when appropriate
- Only shots of hands and from behind
Beginning -Shots of female character =putting on makeup, getting out of bed
= Singing
Introduce male character = putting toast in toaster/eating toast
Both characters leave =singing together
Shots walking down the street, on the bus, sitting on bench etc
Hearts in the background as signs/recognizable symbols
Female character drops her purse, male picks it up
Later gives the purse back, she looks inside ta-da a little heart on a piece of paper from the man
Meet in the Studio together = sing together, with the piano player in the background
Lots of split screens
Realistic shots
Different angles
Cut to rhythm of music when possible
Bright contrast
Use of slow motion
Monday, 12 October 2009
New idea
Our song is very romantic and revolves around love so we have decided to create a recurring theme in the video by using a heart symbol. Our original idea was to use signs pointing towards 'love' however we decided that it would be too hard to find and film signs. We have now decided to make sure that we use a heart symbol in every scene for example on the mirror, graffiti on the bus, on the hand, on the wall, in the clouds, in coffee and objects in the shape of a heart for example a heart shaped locket. We don't want these to look to obvious we just want them to appear in the background so that we have a video that is recognisable.


Prop List
A list of our props we will be using:
- A guy holding a sign
- Bags (when they pick them up)
- Ipod
- Toaster
- Piece of paper
- Piano
- Purse